Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monkeys and Robots and Plants.... Oh My?

Starbound, from developer Chucklefish, first struck me as Terraria on crack. Being the creators of Terraria, this came to no surprise. But as I started following it on Reddit I realized it was much more.

Planet hopping, resource gathering and invention building are the names of the game. Chucklefish has always had a certain bit of whimsy to their games but Starbound's art style takes the cake. Their games' premises have always been light-hearted even in nightmarish situations (see: Eye of Cthulhu and Wall of Flesh) giving Chucklefish a "laugh in the face of danger" kind of feel.

To further this trend, Starbound has seven playable races. From left to right/front to back: Humans, Avians, Apex, Hyotyl, Glitch, Florans and the unpictured Novakids. Mixing Planet of the Apes, Zora-like fish people, medieval robots and glowing-energy space cowboys?? What more could a person want?

A lot of indie developers have one title under their belt but Chucklefish banked Starbound off of the success of Terraria by making a similar, yet very much unique game, claiming the style in which they develop as their own.

This space adventure takes you planet to planet, each one similar to Terraria's layout but with randomly generated terrain, items, animals and pretty much everything else. The combination of choices are limitless, meaning when it releases, Starbound will have lots of replay potential, considering every race acts differently and have different tech associated with them.

The pre-order has already started but the release date is still a vague 2013 release. Following this game's development has been entertaining on it's own, with one of the developers Tiy constantly posting on Reddit and Twitter. He is yet another example of the developer-community relationship that indie games seem to cultivate.

Stay Toasty!

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